December 3 at 3pm
The format for the Lessons and Carols service is simple: 9 scripture readings following the fall of humanity, the promise of The Messiah, and the birth of Christ.
Interspersed with traditional Christmas hymns, and musical offerings from Salem choirs, ensembles, as well as others from the Peoria community.

This is a free event, and donations will be collected to support Adopt Our Families program for the Center for Prevention of Abuse. New items being collected are items that keep people warm.
The Center for Prevention of Abuse (CFPA) exists to help all people—women, men, and children—live free from violence and abuse. CFPA provides safety, counseling and therapy, advocacy for women, men, and children who have been affected by violence and abuse and works to prevent abuse from happening.

mittens / gloves
winter hats
If you wish to make a monetary donation please make checks payable to the Center for Prevention of Abuse.

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